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Wednesday, December 9, 2009
APN Free Giveaway!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Survival and Blogs
Today I read about a man: Minnesota man arrested for trespassing on his own land and just can understand it.
People: You need to prep and get ready for hard times. This is why we have this blog and the American Preppers Network as well as Pioneer Living (
I hope all is safe and well for the holidays and I hope America will return to the once great nation it was.
John Milandred
Monday, November 30, 2009
Last Post by: Pioneer Living. Net
at 03:18 PM on July 26, 2009
After our first week on the property in March, we have come to realize that we are truly living the pioneer life. A little about our property. The gentleman who purchased the property sometime in the 1930?s, and his wife raised 11 children on their 80 acres of land.
The Mrs. passed away around 1990, and the Mr. passed away in 2003.
The property was then divided up into eight 10 acre tracts. We were fortunate enough that one of the daughters was selling her 10 acres that just happens to be the original homestead. There is a house and a small barn on the property. The house has not been attended to for the last 6 years, ceiling falling down, floors are falling through, windows broken, not to mention the rodents that have since made this home their new residence. It is in really bad shape. Once we get rid of the rodents and possible snakes we will gut the home and turn it into our small animal barn to house our chickens, rabbits and goats at night.
There is approximately 5 acres of prime farm land with rich sandy loam soil and 5 acres of forest. The primary cash crops that were grown on this property consisted of strawberries, cucumbers, peanuts and corn. The family garden plot consists of a ½ acre completely fenced to keep the critters out with trees planted on the perimeter of the garden plot.
There is an 80? hand dug well, that has the cleanest, freshest water we haveever tasted. After two days of John working on re-installing the pump that was provided to us for the well, we attempted to prime and start it up just to find out it was shot. Thank goodness the hardware store in town had a pump, as we were in need of water. We both worked on installing the new pump the next day and jumped for joy when the pump started pumping out water that evening.
You never realize how important water is until you don?t have it for three or four days. Water is the most important element for human survival. We tested the water with a water test kit and every single test came back perfect. The water is crystal clear, cold, tastes and smells clean.
There is an old barn on the property that is in pretty good condition. You can tell that the owner built this himself, even down to sawing his own lumber as there is still some bark on some of the lumber as well as all the 2x4?s in the building are true 2 inches by 4 inches! It took 2 days just to clean out two sections of the barn. One section that was used as a pantry/storage will take a little longer as there are still jars and jars of canned blackberries, potatoes, beans and who knows what else. Now mind you none of this food is going to be any good, but it does show us that this family lived off this land for the last 70 years and we intend to do the same. There are dozens, and dozens of mason jars that we will be able to use once they are cleaned and sterilized. Carrie was thrilled to see that as we will only have to purchase new lids and rings.
We are going to see what we can salvage from the house before it is torn down. We are then going to turn the barn into our living quarters. One of the boys who grew up on this property stopped by to pay us a visit. We learned that the original home had burned down and they had to live in the small barn for a while until they could afford to build another house. I can?t imagine trying to raise babies in the barn, but back then, you do what you have to do to survive. It is kind of ironic that we are going to take advantage of this same shelter as our living quarters on our homestead (See Photo page).
During our visit, we were told that there are two pecan trees, several black walnut trees and 4 hickory nut tree. There is also bing cherry trees,2 persimmon trees, and wild blackberries. We were shown where the deer trails were and informed us that there are wild turkey as well. We thought that this was a great start for our new homestead with already established nut and fruit trees as well as an abundance of wild game.
The grass in the fields and the family garden plot are about three feet high, so it will have to be cut and we will need to turn the soil in the garden plot as we have been told that it is time to get your garden in. The days have been warm and sunny. Cabbage and broccoli can be planted now. We were told that potatoes need to be in by March 17th,then everything else right after that. Yes, we have a lot to do. All this work to do, just as the pioneers before us, as we have no modern day farm/garden equipment so it will have to be done by hand.
Thanks to all our readers,
John & Carrie
Co-editors, Pioneer Living
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Educate yourselves to be able to provide for your family whatever the future may be.
We live in a society of people who depend on other people to take care of them. We rely on our jobs to pay us to be able to feed our families. We rely on the grocery stores to provide us food for us to buy for our families to eat.
Almost every day, well it seems like it, we hear reports of contaminated food being sold to us. Our family has had these items in our cupboards, freezers, pantry’s in the past. We had to throw these items out for fear of our children getting sick or possibly dying from these contaminated foods.
We do believe again that everyone should educate themselves and find out what does GM seeds mean? What does GM foods mean?
Why are we genetically modifying our foods. Foods that the good earth provides us that is nutritional and healthy. Why are we modifying these foods. What is wrong with the foods that our ancestors ate?
I ask myself these questions almost every day. Why have we become a society of being taken care of by others. What happened to taking care of ourselves. What happened to the lost art of basic human survival.
I also ask myself, “What has happened to the human spirit of standing up for what is right?”
I was taught by my parents, grandparents that you are always free to voice your opinion no mater what it was. You are always free to stand up for what is morally right.
We are looking in the face of a changed America. A changed World.
We come across so many people who are afraid today. We are not sure why they are afraid. We assume it is because they do not know how they will survive should they loose their job, or should the grocery store shelves go empty. They do not even know where the food comes from that they eat.
It is really sad. We are only here to help those who have been wronged by not having the information passed on by their ancestors what it takes for basic human survival.
Sorry I was in a ranting and raving mood tonight. Thank you all for your support in our efforts to give people the resources to be able to take care of themselves and their families no matter what happens in the days to come.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Interview with a Pioneer
Take a glass jar and collect about 15 honey bee’s and put holes in the top for the bee‘s to breathe, cover the jar with a cloth and let the bee’s settle down. Once this has been done take the cloth off and all of the bee’s should be collected on one side of the jar. Now just travel in the direction that the bee’s have gathered in the jar. This will take you to their hive where you can collect the honey from the wild hive.
Remember to go at night and hopefully when it is cold out so you don’t get stung. In the desert when it is at night and cold I have found many bee hives and have collected honey. This will work anywhere and in the woods I have found hives that I have gathered and transplanted into new hives so that I don’t have to look for them anymore.
Texas George
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.
Henry David Thoreau
Re-posted by:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Water Cure
The Greek, Hippocrates, who lived about five hundred years before Christ, was the first man who wrote much on the healing of disease with water. At a very early period the Egyptians practiced bathing considerable. The ancient Persians and Greeks erected stately and magnificent public buildings. In Constantinople the Turkish baths were used extensively in the 15th century. In the year 1600 public vapor baths were numerous in Paris. From the very earliest part of the 18th century water was used for cures. Floyer published a history of bathing where remarkable cures were made by means of bathing, and he recommended them for numerous diseases. A Mr. Hancock, who was a minister, published in 1723 a book called Common Water the Best Cure for Fevers. Another book, published by someone else, was called Curiosities of Common Water and was published in 1723, in which it was said to be an “excellent remedy which will perform cures with very little trouble, and without charge,” may be truly styled a universal remedy. In 1840 to 1850 Victor Priesnitz, of Germany, led in the use of water as a curative.
The water cure spread to America about 1850 and until about 1854 prospered greatly, but the doctors would not stand for this, as they did not want the people to get hold of any remedy which was practical and non-expensive, that could be used in any home. About 1870 they had successfully prevented the water-cure practitioners from practicing in New York by medical law.
Even our North American Indians use baths for many diseases. They have original ways of giving both water and vapor baths, the vapor bathing being the most commonly used, followed by plunging into a stream.
You can read more on Back to Eden by going to our Mercantile page and buying Jethro Kloss book.
Quote: Man’s intelligence has made it possible for him to become grossly perverted in almost everything-food, appetite, bathing, etc. Man does not go astray from nature because he lacks intelligence or instinct, but because he wishes to gratify his own desires.
By: Jethro Kloss book
Friday, November 20, 2009
Use and Re-Use - Mason Jars
I think most of us have heard of mason jars. They are mainly used for canning to preserve food.
Here are a few uses for empty jars sitting on the shelf waiting to be used for next years harvest:
* My favorite, Store emergency water, you can never have too much emergency water.
* Use them for leftovers.
* Use as drinking glasses. We have been doing this for years. I think most of my friends think that we can’t afford drinking glasses.
* Useful when making homemade sour cream. (Recipe on our Chuckwagon Chow Page )
* Useful when making homemade butter.
* ½ pint wide jars can be used to start your vegetable seeds indoors then transplant your plants into the garden after the last frost.
* They make a great country vase for fresh cut flowers out of the garden.
* We store dried goods in them as well, dried herbs, dried onions, dried leaks, and dried tomatoes to name a few.
* In regards to the mason jar lids, don’t throw them away after only one use. You can use them more 2 or 3 times while canning and they will seal just fine. The seals and rings should last for years to come when storing water or dry goods in.
Use and Re-Use - Plastic Milk, Water, Juice Bottles
How many plastic jugs and bottles do you throw away every year? I didn’t know the answer to this question either. Until I started re-using them. Now I can answer, almost none.
Here are some re-use ideas for all this plastic:
* My favorite again, Storing Emergency Water. After you have consumed what was in your plastic jug or bottle simply wash, rinse with hot water and fill with water. You never know when the extra water will be needed.
* Re-use your personal size plastic water bottles. Don’t keep buying more. How long do you think a plastic bottle will last? I have read that they last a pretty long time in the landfills.
* Carefully cut plastic milk jugs, plastic water bottles, juice bottles in half to start your seeds indoors for transplanting the seedlings in the garden after the first frost.
* Use the tops you cut off of gallon milk jugs as a portable greenhouse for your delicate seedlings after transplanting into the garden. Just to keep them warm at night until they have established themselves.
* Freeze water in smaller plastic bottles to use in your ice chest. Do not drink the water that has been frozen in the bottles as there have been studies suggesting it is not safe to drink the water once frozen in the plastic.
* Use the larger clean jugs/bottles for storing chicken, rabbit, goat, and duck feed to prevent rodents from eating the feed out of the open sacks in the feed barn. Storing the feed this way also makes it easy when it comes feeding time for the animals.
* Use the bottom half of plastic gallon milk/water jugs as feeders for your small farm animals. (These work well for chickens and ducks, however, in our experience rabbits and goats tend to start eating the plastic once they have finished their meal.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Basic Animals On The Homestead
Before buying animals, learn as much as you can about them, but don’t expect to become an expert just by reading. When you get your animals you will need to also listen to them, watch them and notice their behaviors because they can tell you a lot.
Note: Do not give growth-stimulating hormones and medicated feed, because this may have long-term side effects that are as yet unknown. If medicine needs to be given for some reason do not eat, or drink anything from that animal for at lest two weeks.
1. Chickens
Most chickens are bred to produce either eggs or meat. There are a number of dual-purpose breeds that provide plenty of eggs as well as meat. My favorites being Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Reds.
You should buy your chickens at about four months old. Their eggs will be small at first but soon they will be laying full sized eggs.
The number of birds you need depends upon the number of eggs you want. A good layer will produce an egg almost every day. You should let some of your chickens lay on their eggs butchering the males for meat when they become full grown at about 5 to 6 pounds live weight and the females that you don’t need come winter time when there egg production is low.
Feeding: Mash can be purchased as well as corn feed, but you can save money by feeding them with food scraps like: left over vegetables, fruits, and breads. The best in addition to this is letting your chickens range freely to get their protein from bugs and grass.
To supplement calcium in their diet feed chickens ground up egg or oyster shells, make sure the shells are completely dry and grind the egg shells almost into a powder to prevent egg cannibalism.
Weather you are using a shack or new building you will want a chicken house that is warm, dry, and easy to clean. You also want to make sure your chicken house is secure enough to keep the chickens safe from predators. This building should have at least 3 square feet of floor space per bird. If you are free ranging then it will help to have it on wheels so that you can transport it easily from one area to the next.
I have found that by putting a light (60 watt) bulb on a timer in the fall for an extra 3 hours can increase your egg laying season if needed.
2. Ducks
Ducks are extremely hardy and will forage for most of their food they need. You can supplement with the same food as chickens if needed. We buy young birds-ducks about 4 weeks old to start with. Two males and six females is a good number to start with. I think the Peking ducks are the best breed for meat, they are fast growing and taste the best, bigger then most other breeds and do not need any care. They lay 1 egg every other day and their eggs are great for baking cookies, cakes, pastry’s.
Duck eggs are larger then chicken eggs and have a stronger taste but can be treated and used the same way. Peking ducks are ready to butcher at about 8 to 10 pounds live weight.
3. Rabbits
They are excellent animals to raise for meat. Not only are they delicious and hardy but they are also inexpensive to feed.
Rabbit pellets do provide the best diet, but food can be supplemented with hay, fresh grass, vegetables, fruits, and leaves.
My favorite breed is the New Zealand white. They have a good weight of about 5 pounds and when the rabbits are about 12 weeks old, they can be butchered as fryers.
If breading; a small box with a hole should be in the cage and you will need to put a male into your females cage for breading but after about two weeks or so he should be removed.
Note: Rabbits will need plenty of clean water and a small salt lick in the summer heat should be used.
4. Dairy Goats
Goats make ideal dairy animals for a small farm or homestead. They are easy-to-handle, and excellent foraging ability’s. Their milk if fully comparable in flavor and in some ways it is superior. It is naturally homogenized-the fat particles are so small, they do not separate from the milk and this makes it easier to digest. The breed I like are Nubians.
Goats will forage for most of there food but you should include well-cured hay at times and additional mixed-grain in their diet. Do not overfeed them with grain, since this can lead to bloat. To prevent overeating, feed grain only after they have eaten plenty of grass or hay and only enough for that moment. Make sure your goat area is free of buttercups. If ingested they will get sick and lethargic and will require you to inject them with a shot of vitamin B complex.
Note: You must have 2 goats minimum, if not they will get lonely and become to stressed.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Super Food
This not very well known dual-purpose golden grain of the Aztecs is not only nutritious for its greens, it is also a high-protein whole grain.
Amaranth is one of the most nutritious, easy-to-grow and well-adapted plants on this earth. This plant can provide you with year round sustenance. In the early summer the young greens are a wonderful addition to salads with a flavor similar to spinach. As the leaves get bigger, they are delicious steamed, sautéed or added to soups. In the fall when the seed heads have matured they will yield many ounces of protein packed seeds with a slight nutty taste.
Most whole grains are about 10 percent protein, Amaranth seeds are about 16 percent protein and has a balanced amino acid profile high in lysine which is rare for plant foods and essential to humans for protein synthesis. The grain also contains generous amounts of iron, calcium, fiber and phosphorous. The leaves are high in protein as well as calcium, iron, beta carotene and fiber.
This plant requires very little water and can grow in almost any type of soil.
The first known record of amaranth is from about 6,000 years ago and was found in a mountain cave near Mexico City. In the 1500’s the possibilities are endless for making protein packed foods for your family.
We have enjoyed the young greens in our salads. We have sautéed the leaves in a little butter.
When harvesting the seeds, before the first frost you cut the top of amaranth was being widely cultivated by the Aztecs, and used it in a variety of their foods.. From one plant, from one tiny seed, you can get up to 100,000 seeds to add to your seed bank.
A hundred square feet or so should yield a few pounds of seed, enough for a winter’s worth of cooking. There are several varieties of amaranth to choose from. Our favorites are Golden Giant Amaranth, and Burgundy Amaranth.
We add the seeds to our morning oatmeal, add to the batter of muffins and breads. Grind the seeds into flour and the plant and you can either shake the seeds into a container or hang the plant head over a tarp where the seeds will drop when dried.
The next step once your seeds are dry is the process of winnowing; separating the grain from chaff. To do this you can simply put some seeds in a shallow pan and blow lightly on the seeds. The chaff will separate from the seed and fall to the ground.
Store your seeds as you would store any other grains. You can also grind the seeds into flour. In our opinion this is one of the most important plants in our garden. Not only for their nutritional value, but for their beauty as well.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
How to make Charcoal
a. Separate and clean coconut shell, wood, corn husks, or bone from other materials, such as coconut fiber or soil.
b. Sun dry and let age 6 months.
c. Burn dried material at burning sink or drum at 500-900 F for 3-5 hours.
d. Crush or refine charcoal with crusher wood/iron into size.
How to make Wood Charcoal in the Wilderness
a. Let wood age for 6 months.
b. Cut wood evenly and place in a fire and keep turning it so that it burns evenly.
c. Burn until you can just poke a stick into it and or break a piece by striking it with a shovel.
d. Remove it from the fire and place it into the ground and cover it up until there is no smoke coming from it.
e. Let it remain there for about 2 weeks
f. Crush to size.
Note: I have made charcoal this way many times, and you can speed thing up and let it sit for 1 day in the ground and still have Success.
Why Charcoal?
There are many uses for charcoal.
1. You can cook with it and it will burn better and hotter then wood.
2. You can use it to clean your water and make a water filter or to make sweet water. If your water is a little skunky boil water with 2 pieses of charcoal for about 15 min to remove the smell.
3. You can use it to help stop poisoning. For instance if you eat something by mistake that would kill you and their was nothing you could do to stop it, just take 2 teaspoon full’s and eat it three times a day. The poison will be absorbed into the charcoal and just may save your life.
4. Charcoal is one of the main parts of black powder as well as other things.
5. It also can be used as a top dressing on a wound to absorb infection.
6. Can be used to add Potassium to the soil and raze the ph levels as well.
7. Can be mixed with white ash for a cleaner and soaps.
This is just some things that charcoal is used for and is very important to your survival
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hello to you!
My Name is John Milandred one of the founders of Pioneer Living and over the next two weeks I will be sharing with you some of the information on our website at:
Just a little note today and hope you all like my posts.
The forgotten/lost art of basic human survival. How did our grandparents, great grandparents, and ancestors survive without all the modern conveniences available to us today? Helping humans all over the world with solutions for caring for themselves and their families.
Often when people think about a survivalist, they envision someone who is trained in the outdoors and can survive off the land but a survivalist also stock piles food and possibly weapons to prepare for a disaster and the future unknown. Our ancestors were in reality survivalists.
This was because they were self sufficient, were responsible for one’s own self and family, protection, health, and sustenance as well as shelter.
This is what our ancestors knew and lived every day. They were prepared for what life brings through planning, learning, and preparing for any possible future.
The articles you will find will be focused on simpler times what our ancestors knew and lived every day. From disaster preparedness, extreme wilderness survival, growing and preserving your own nutritious food, foraging for food in the wilderness, water survival, and basic every day living.
Information and solutions to survive our ever changing environment in which we live in today. Solutions for taking back the responsibility of ones own self.
We think that you will be surprised how simple it is, no matter what walk of life you come from, how to get back to basics and in control of your life.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Another Reason to Add Wheat to Your Storage
And this impact, if the current weather conditions continue, would definitely be a negative one. An example can be found in this paragraph, taken from the linked article:
"April planting predictions from the North Dakota office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service estimated that 6.6 million acres of spring wheat and 1.6 million acres of durum would be planted across the state. If the wet and cool conditions persist, Peterson estimated that the state could see a 10 percent overall decline in spring wheat acreage, with a 30 percent decline potential in the eastern part of the state, which could be partially offset with steady or even increasing acres in the western half of the state. For durum, Peterson is anticipating a 100,000 acre decline from the 1.6 million acres expected to be planted. "
Are you prepared if there is a decrease in available wheat? Do you know what to do with wheat that you have and/or are planning to purchase for your food storage?
Over at iPrepared, ( there is a very comprehensive post on wheat ( that explains the differences between different types of wheat, as well as ways to use wheat, and other information, such as allergies and storage. It’s a great place to get started, and I recommend looking at posts throughout the blog to get even more information about food storage.
The article linked ends on a hopeful note: ""If we can get a stretch (of warm weather) uninterrupted by rain, with the equipment we have we can catch up really quickly," he added.”Here in North Dakota, we can put in a lot of crop in a short time." Hopefully the crops will work out in the best way possible for everyone--but if you have some in storage, you won’t have to worry about the weather quite as much.
Another Prepper ( )
Thursday, March 12, 2009
~Psalm 31:21
The first thing you should know about North Dakota is that it's cold. I know that should be a no brainer, but if you're new here or not from here, or again, caught here at an inopportune time, you have to really really understand, to the depth of your core, how cold it is. To know that sometimes, your car won't start because the gas lines are frozen. Or that somedays you wake up and the HIGH for the day will be -17. Or that your kids don't get to play outside for about 8 months out of the year. That you can't grow food outside except maybe 6-12 weeks out of the year, so your garden has to be ready as soon as it thaws. That some days, despite the layers and heaters and warm foods, you still just don't warm up. Hypothermia is barely kept at bay from November to April. You keep these kinds of nightmares for a movie based in the Arctic or northern Alaska in Winter. No no, it's been a HORRID winter here in North Dakota and downright dangerous. You need to know that!
As a prepper, I'm making a shortlist of things you need to prepare for, with cold weather considerations. It's coming up on spring, which means NOW is a good time to evaluate how your winter went, what you need to do to prepare for next winter.
1) Always have alternate heat sources. Imagine a worse-case scenario leaving you without electricity. Those space heaters, heating blankets, and the central heat are all GONE. Now what? I know people who have removed their wood-burning stove to replace them with the pretty electric fireplaces. They are stunning additions to a family room, yes, but what good will they do without electricty? A few years ago, we were hit with an early blizzard. Most of the trees still had their leaves, so when the leaves were laden with snow and ice, they pulled the branches down and pulled the power lines with them. People were cold in their homes for days as crews had to dig out live wires and reestablish the grid. Not a pretty sight. The craziest thing is that no one expected it to be that bad and therefore.... DID NOT PREPARE! C'mon, people! We have a wood burning stove, which not only provides a massive amount of luscious heat, but also enabled me to warm dinner on the top. Grilled cheeses and Tomato Soup by a roaring fire.... heavenly! (By contrast, my in-laws were eating Chef Boyardee COLD out of a can for days!!!) Consider always having alternate heat sources. Propane heaters, wood burning stove, wood burning fireplace, and of course, plenty of fuel-- fire or propane.
2) Emergency blankets and pocket warmers. These things are SO COMPACT and SO CHEAP, it's crazy not to have these stored by the pallet! We like Hot Hands. We also keep mylar blankets in the glove compartments, all the emergency kits, even in the kids' emergency kits in their backpacks.

Okay, I'm trying to post the picture but I don't know if it's showing up. You can follow the above link to one from Amazon, for all of $1.59. Like I said, keep them everywhere!
Something else to consider: Fur blankets. Now, don't get mad at me for condoning fur and animal cruelty, blah blah blah. You can get a good faux fur too. A while back, like late 90s, these were a huge trend. Everyone was getting fur throw blankets, in rich mink- blacks, browns. I got a faux one from lillian vernon, I think. Big Queen size. Faux leopard print on one side, fake brown mink on the other. This is the heaviest, warmest blanket I've ever had! Bulky, so not meant for a bug-out-bag, although it would probably be the last thing I would grab if we were bugging out. Like I said, it's the warmest thing I've even been in. Including a down comforter. You may disagree based on your experience. One other thing I've noticed it was good for, though, was as insulation UNDER us. We were in yellowstone a few summers ago, it was chilly at night. The air mattress was cold underneath, the air in the mattress turning cold overnight. Put the fur blanket (yes I took it camping, I told you it would be the last thing I would grab!) under us and stayed toasty the rest of the trip. (well, threw the hot hands in the sleeping bags, too!)
3) Warm foods and warm beverages. We keep stashes of hot chocolate in our emergency pantry. And even in the bug out bags. Also beef broth. Some warm beef broth with some dehydrated veggies tossed in will be an incredible booster in an emergency!!!
4) Cold weather gear. Okay, I'm not talking about heavy equipment. Coats, hats, gloves. It's spring which means you can go to walmart and get gloves for $1, mittens and knit hats for 50 cents. Coats for $15-20. Everything's on clearance so buy now for next season. We got the teen a fleece-lined microsuede jacket at the department store for $9!!!!! It's heavy and warm and he loves it. Picked up the next size too for him to grow into. If you have a really really good coat, now might also be a good time to make repairs- does the zipper need replacing? How about any loose buttons? Want to sew in a warmer lining? Now's the time to do it to get it ready for next winter. Make sure you take care of your winter gear before you store it for next year.
Okay, like I said, this had to be a short list. My hubby is begging me to finish the taxes today so I suppose I should be working on that! If I can think of anything else during the day I'll add it. Otherwise, email me and let me know if I forgot anything vital!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I'm going to take this first blog just to introduce myself. We'll get into the prepping business soon!
First, if you met me on the street, you would not assume I'm a prepper. I think many people have a preconceived notion of what a prepper is- pretty grizzly, maybe flannel-wearing or long prairie dress wearing, log-cabin dweller, and probably strictly religious in some way. Well, I would not fit any of those stereotypes. I'm a petite female, I wear $20 mascara and get my hair colored every six weeks. I'm married with two kids and you would think my kids don't have a care in the world. They go to really good public schools, have a wide variety of friends, and are constantly caught up in the latest video games and gadgets and the sport of the season. My husband and I like a good movie and dinner. I love to cook, love to read (warning: you may get some future Twilight references! Consider yourself warned! giggle giggle), can sew a seam and a button, can cook better than Emeril, buy mostly designer jeans because i've learned that they fit better and last longer.
Still, I have secret plans and secret stashes. My kids carry emergency kits in their backpacks and have a plan if we are seperated. My husband and I always have a Plan B. I feel like being prepared in case of an emergency was simply a matter of taking responsibility to plan for our family. I feel like being prepared mid-to-long-term was not a matter of the Second Coming or End of Days, but knowing that there are some very real, very frightening scenarios that could come to fruition and I would not want to be wandering around waiting for FEMA!!
I'm not originally from North Dakota, and therefore had to learn the hard way that there are some things that you have to be prepared for in this unique environment. I think the fact that I have to think of these things-- whereas for locals, it's just second nature-- gives me a unique perspective, and the ability to tell you what you need to know if you're new here, find yourself here at an inopportune time, or even if you are from here but have not started preparing yet.
Preparing for what? Who knows.
Anyway, follow me along as I hope to help others in or around this area! Make it a great day!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Emergency Services in North Dakota
The North Dakota Department of Emergency Services can be found here:
They also have a number of useful links for emergency information here:
North Dakota State University also has some terrific General Disaster Information.
Be aware. Be informed. Be prepared.